XtremeMac MicroMemo Digital Voice Recorder for iPod nano 2G (Black) Review

XtremeMac MicroMemo Digital Voice Recorder for iPod nano 2G
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I've been an Ipod user since Gen 3, owning as many as six at one time.The full Ipod's Gen 3&4 had add on features like recorders, the Mini, didn't (sadly). When I discovered I could conduct interviews and use the Ipod as a voice recorder, I was thrilled. I conducted an average of 4 interviews a week, some at the office, some out in the field. Many times, I didn't have advanced notice when I be needed to conduct an interview, (I'm an investigator)so I always had to carry either my laptop or my Sony MC-11 digital recorder in my car. The Ipod changed all that. Now I had a device I carried with all of the time anyway, and with an add on some from Belkin, I could conduct an interview with no advanced warning. Granted unless one added Linux to the 3rd gen, you could only record in mono, but that's all I needed for an interview.

As I moved to smaller and smaller Ipods, (I bought a mini thinking it would work with my recorders but later learned Apple withheld that ability) I was now in the position of having to carry two Ipods with me.This was defeating the purpose of one all around device.

My latest Ipod is the 8 gig Nano 2gen, which when it first came out, didn't have a voice recorder out on the add on market though Apple had put the recording feature back into this product line.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn Apple had enabled stereo recording, but as yet there was not an available product to access this feature.

Than came along the XtremeMac IPN-MIC-20 Micromemo Digital Voice Recorder. I did my research and all of the reviews were glowing. A big selling point was you could remove the small mic and add one of your own. From time to time, I did employ a mic disguised as a pen, so this seemed perfect for me and my line of work.

Like a kid waiting for Santa, I spent every day running to the mail box to see if my order arrived. When it did, I rushed home, read the small (very small, almost non existent instructions) and plugged it in.It took me a couple of tries to get it to work, but it did finally appear.

I made a couple of test recordings, which played back fine.I was thrilled.

The first time I went to use it in the field, out of habit I carried a back up recorder. I'm glad I did.For while the XtremeMac did record the interview, after I detached the recorder, I couldn't get the Nano to respond to anything.

I plugged it into a wall charger after I couldn't get Itunes to recognize it, did a hard reboot per Apple's support page. Still no luck.

I called Apple support, but was informed that since the product creating the problem was from a third party vendor, I was out of luck with Apple support.

I ended up having to let the battery run itself down. As the Nano doesn't spin like the other Ipod models, this was going to be a challenge.

After many tries, I was able to get the back light on, and drain the battery over four days.

I had to than reformat the Nano, which of course wiped out my music and the interview.So much for ease and dependability of use.

I did try it once more, got the same result.Now, it just sits in my drawer with various other third party add ons which have become either redundant, or old and replaced by something better.

You may have better luck than me, however as I continue to see positive reviews from various magazines.Though I'm left to wonder if any of the reviewers actually used the recorder, or just wrote up the marketing material.

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Product Description:
MicroMemo plugs right into your dock connector to capture memos, meetings, lectures, or any audio content directly to your iPod.

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